Read, Write, Learn

Estimated Time: 30+ minutes

Every week, we will have a [Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for this Lesson].

In the reading part of this lecture, you will be given a passage from the play to read.

Now, let's get started with this week:


  • The book you chose from the Shakespeare's Life and Times Book Choices


  • As you are reading, write down any sentences or paragraphs that you like or have special meaning to you in your journal.
  • Pay attention to any words or phrases that you don't understand and write them in your journal. Look up the meanings of these words.

Spelling and Grammar:

You may choose a passage from the reading that you think is important and use it as your copywork this week.

  • Write it in your journal neatly.
  • Be careful to punctuate and capitalize the way the author did, and check for spelling errors. If you make any errors, correct them.
  • Study this passage this week until you are asked to dictate it to your teacher.

Share your favorite passage in the comments below.

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