Magic Dust: Play Flash the Fingers and Draughts

Estimated Time: 30+ minutes

Today, we're not just readers or students; we're going to become players, immersing ourselves in the pastimes that entertained Romans. Two games are mentioned in these chapters. So, today we will have two projects in our magic dust.

Flash the Fingers

In Chapter 1, Marcus remembers that his father taught him to play "Flash the Fingers." "Flash the Fingers" or Morra is a game that dates back to ancient times and is still played in some parts of the world today. It's a game of prediction and quick thinking, where players simultaneously shout and display a number of fingers, trying to guess the total number of fingers shown by both players together. It's fast-paced, fun, and requires sharp attention and mental math skills.

For this project, you will need:

  • A partner to play with

Watch the video below to learn how to play.


Marcus and his uncle play Draughts. The classic game of draughts is known in the United States as checkers. This board game is all about strategy, planning, and predicting your opponent's moves. The objective is simple: capture all of your opponent's pieces or block them so they can't move. But achieving that goal requires cunning and foresight. Draughts is a game that has stood the test of time, appealing to players of all ages for its blend of simplicity and complexity.

For this project, you will need:

  • A draughts board and pieces
  • A partner

Watch the video below to learn how to play.

Which game was your favorite to play? Did you win?

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