Where Do I Go From Here?

This course is designed for you to hop around!

That's right! Don't go in order unless you want to.

You can pick any of the plays to start with as long as you follow the lessons in that play in order (or you will be seriously confused).

So, pick the play you want to study. We suggest one that might be available for a live performance nearby because the best way to enjoy Shakespeare is by watching the play.

For a little fun, you can use the following flowchart to help you decide.

Which Shakespeare Play Should I See? An Illustrated Flowchart - Good Tickle Brain

By popular demand, and after many months of blood, sweat, and tears, a poster version of this is now available! Measuring 18"x24" and printed on lovely, thick, high-quality paper, this is the perfect wall decoration for the Shakespeare geek in your life, especially when that Shakespeare geek is YOU.

So what play did you choose?

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