Nature Journaling Through To Kill A Mockingbird

Estimated Time: 45-60 minutes

In your course materials, you can download a Nature Journal under the [Weekly Lesson Plan and Nature Journal] lecture.

Print out your Nature Journal, or if you already have a Nature Journal you can use that one.

Watch the following video about why Nature Journaling is important for you and the world around you.

This video shows some examples of nature journaling.

There are several plants mentioned throughout the story that you may not recognize. Let's take a look at some of these.

Chinaberry trees:

Chinaberry Tree Uses and Other Facts

There's more to the Chinaberry tree than meets the eye. It isn't just a pretty garden ornament. Read this Gardenerdy article to know more about its uses and some interesting facts about Chinaberry trees.

Rabbit tobacco:


Scuppernong Grape

Scuppernong grape, named the state fruit of North Carolina in 2001, is a bronze-green variety of the muscadine grape ( Vitis rotundifolia). It is one of the best-known names in North Carolina's (and the nation's) viticulture, being the first grape actively cultivated in the United States.


What Does Nutsedge Look like | Nutsedge Weed Identification Guide

Nutsedge, also called nutgrass, is a perennial weed and can be very difficult to get rid of. This weed resembles grass blades, which can make it hard to differentiate this weed from your turf. This guide will help you see the difference.


Choose one of the plants from the story and sketch it in your Nature Journals. Keep your journals handy. We will be using them each week of this study.

Share a picture of your Nature Journal page with us in the comments below.

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