Read, Write, Learn

Estimated Time: 6-8 hours


  • A Word of Explanation and Chapters 1-11


  • As you are reading, write down any sentences or paragraphs that you find interesting, profound or that you just like or in your journal. Choose at least one passage from each chapter.
  • Pay attention to any words or phrases that you don't understand and write them in your journal. Look up the meanings of these words.


  • In this book club, we're going to learn about Characterization. Read the following article and write the definition in your notebook. Notice that there are two types of characterization. As you are reading, look for examples of how the author uses characterization in this novel.

Characterization - Examples and Definition

Characterization is a literary device that is used step-by-step in literature to highlight and explain the details about a character in a story. It is in the initial stage in which the writer introduces the character with noticeable emergence. After introducing the character, the writer often talks about his behavior; then, as the story progresses, the thought-processes of the character.

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