Writing Project

Estimated Time: 1 -1.5 hours

One way to become a better writer is to read good writing. In this online book club, you will be reading stories written by authors in which real events were used to inspire their story.

This week read "A Rite of Passage" by Chris Epting of Breakfast on Mars and 37 other Delectable Essays.

Questions to Ponder

  1. Why do you think the author references Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur?
  2. Describe the Yankee as you picture him in your mind.
  3. What is the Yankee’s perception of the people in Camelot and what are their reactions to him?
  4. What is the view of science and technology found in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court?
  5. Do you think Twain views science/technology as the savior of mankind or is satirizing those who hold such a belief?

After you have pondered and discussed these questions with your teacher, choose one to complete a freewrite on. If you are unfamiliar with freewriting, read the article below.

Writing Project:

The writing project this month will be a descriptive essay. Watch the video below to learn what a descriptive essay is.

Go back and look at the Freewrite you just finished. Could you add more descriptive words to help convey your meaning? See if you could make some changes that would make it more interesting.

Share your freewrite in the comments below.

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