Magic Dust: Shadow Experiment

Estimated time: 10-15 minutes

In chapter 2, Peter loses his shadow, and Nana finds it. While you can't actually lose your shadow, let's have some fun with your shadow!

For this project, you will need:

  • a sunny day
  • chalk and pavement or large paper and markers


  1. Go outside in the early morning and stand in the middle of the pavement.
  2. Have your parent or sibling trace around your feet in one color. In a different color, have them trace your shadow. In the middle of that shadow, write down the time.
  3. Repeat this activity multiple times throughout the day using different colors and always notating the time.
  4. At the end of the day, observe all the different outlines and discuss what you have learned about shadows.

Share a picture of you playing here or if you use social media use #la4k.

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