Week 2

Week 2

Day 1

  • Read: Students should start the [Read, Write and Learn] section by reading Chapter 4.
  • Write: Students should choose their favorite passage from the chapter and write it in their journals. If they prefer, we have chosen a passage in the [Copywork] section in the next lecture. Copy the chosen passage exactly as it is written in the book. Instructions are given in the "What to Note about this Quote" in the next lecture.
  • Learn: Students should continue to look for examples of hyperbole in their reading. Add any new characters to your character list.
  • Vocabulary: In the [Vocabulary and Spelling] section have the student look up the vocabulary words for Chapter 4 and write them in their notebooks.

Day 2

  • Read: Students should continue the [Read, Write and Learn] section by reading Chapter 5.
  • Write: Copy the passage from Day 1 again.
  • Learn: As the student is reading they should note any instances of hyperbole and write them in their notebooks. Add any new characters to your character list.
  • Vocabulary: In the [Vocabulary and Spelling] section have the student look up the vocabulary words for Chapter 5 and write them in their notebooks.
  • Grammar: Students should complete the [Grammar] section by reading from Painless Grammar.
  • Rabbit Trail: What is a Buttercup?

Day 3

  • Read: Students should continue the [Read, Write and Learn] section by reading Chapter 6.
  • Write: Copy the passage from Day 1 again.
  • Learn: As the student is reading they should note any instances of hyperbole and write them in their notebooks. Add any new characters to your character list.
  • Vocabulary: In the [Vocabulary and Spelling] section have the student look up the vocabulary words for Chapter 6 and write them in their notebooks.
  • Rabbit Trail: Cold Frame Gardening

Day 4

  • Read: Students should catch-up on any reading of the last three chapters.
  • Write: Let the student review the copywork passage once more. Then dictate it to the student while they transcribe it perfectly onto the paper. Check their work or have them compare it to the quote in the book.
  • Vocabulary: In the [Vocabulary and Spelling] section have the student practice the Vocabulary and Spelling quizzes in Quizlet.
  • Questions to Ponder: The student should read and discuss the Questions to ponder with you. After the discussion, set a timer for 10 minutes and have them freewrite about one of the questions.
  • Magic Dust: Gather supplies needed for tomorrow's magic dust project. You can find the list of supplies in the [Resources] section.

Day 5

  • Writing Project: As instructed in the [Writing Project] section, students should read the essay from The Norton Sampler. Then watch the video. They should then follow the instruction in the Writing Assignment to draw their stick figures.
  • Show What You Know: Students should complete the Grammar quiz, review the Literary Elements and compare to the ones they found, and complete the Vocabulary quiz.
  • Magic Dust: Play Croquet. Follow the instructions to learn to play croquet in the [Magic Dust] section.

Congratulations! You are half-way through your first month of high school language arts this year!

Have any questions or comments? Share them below.

Playing a little croquet this week!

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