Rabbit Trail: Mouse Habitat

Estimated Time: 15 minutes

Now, let's talk about where mice like to make their homes. We call that their habitat. They're really good at finding cozy homes.

Mice can be found in different spots where they can get food, water, and a safe place to stay. Here are some places where you might find them:

Fields and Grasslands

Mice like living in fields with tall grass. They make their homes in the ground or in holes.

Here's a video of a field mouse in nature.

Forests and Woods

In the forest, mice live in leaves, tree roots, or old logs. These spots are good for hiding. This video is of a mouse living in a tree stump.


Some mice are special and can live in hot deserts. They dig into the sand to find cool spots.


Mice can even live in big, tall mountains! They hide in rocks or dig tunnels.

Wetlands and Marshes

In wet places with tall grass, mice make their homes. They can find food and be safe there. Watch this video and see a mouse and some other creatures in the wetlands.

Cities and Towns

Yes, mice can live in cities, too! They like to be in buildings like houses and apartments. They find food in trash cans.

This cute video is of a mouse "hobbit" town that was built by a man for mice in his garden.

What's your favorite mouse habitat?

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