Rabbit Trail: Mouse Food

Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Let's learn about what mice like to eat. Mice are little creatures with small tummies, so they eat small bits of food.

Watch this video to learn about what mice eat (maybe even your cereal!).

Did you know that mice don't really like cheese?

You might have heard that mice love cheese, but actually, they don't really like it as much as you might think.

You might have seen mice eating cheese in stories and cartoons. But in real life, mice eat other things like grains, seeds, fruits, and veggies. These are much healthier for them and give them the right nutrients they need to stay strong and healthy.

Cheese is actually not very good for mice. It can be hard for them to digest because it's so rich and fatty. So, even though mice might take a little nibble of cheese if they find it, it's not something they go looking for.

Do you like cheese?

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