Show What You Know

Estimated Time: 30-40 minutes


Dictate one of the passages you copied in your journal from Read, Write, Learn.

  • Be careful to punctuate and capitalize correctly and watch for spelling. If you make any errors, correct them.

If you have never used dictation before:

  • ​​Dictation just means the student writes the copywork from memory while the teacher reads it aloud. The student should be familiar enough with the passage to accurately spell, capitalize and punctuate the passage.


  • Use the capitalization rules you learned to correct the two passages below.

Passage 1.pdf

  • Check your work by comparing it to the passage in Chapter 3 of your book.

Passage 2.pdf

  • Check your work by comparing it to the passage in Chapter 1 of your book.

Literary Elements


How many examples of juxtaposition did you find?

Here are some examples:

Chapter 1:

  • the wild rose-bush in all its beauty juxtaposed with the prison and the ugliness it represents

Chapter 2:

  • the older women's harsh words juxtaposed with the younger woman's softer, kinder words
  • the description of Hester as "this beautiful woman," "image of Divine Maternity," and "sacred image of sinless motherhood" juxtaposed with "the taint of deepest sin"

Chapter 4:

  • fallen into the pit juxtaposed with ascended to the pedestal of infamy

Chapter 6:

  • lovely child (Pearl) juxtaposed with the dark sin (of Hester)
  • in speaking of the moral life of Pearl the black shadow juxtaposed with the untempered light


How many allusions did you find?

Here are some examples:

Chapter 1:

  • Ann Huntchinson

Chapter 2:

  • Man-like Elizabeth
  • Divine Maternity

Chapter 3:

  • Daniel

Chapter 4:

  • Lethe
  • Nepenthe
  • Paracelsus

Chapter 5:

  • Cain

Chapter 6:

  • Eden

Did you find any other examples of juxtaposition or allusion? Share in the comments below.


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